ActCAD News (Latest 20)

ActCAD 2025 New Update 13729 Released, Dt.02 Sep, 2024

ActCAD 2025 New update 13729 released for PREMIUM,STANDARD and MAPDRAFTER.This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes

  • Fixed Certain issues with File Type settings
  • Added some more variables to optimize the installer settings
  • Fixed Certain crash issue with Block editor
  • Fixed issue with working of VIEWCTL
  • Corrected tracking and creation of temporary points
  • Added new parameters to the settings of AEC Dimension Style
  • Improved HIDE command functionality
  • Improved DIMANNO command functionality
  • Fixed Certain issues with transparency of images and colors
  • Fixed issue with SSGET functionality
  • Improved functionality with moves of mouse over
  • Fixed issue with entity snaps in status bar
  • Fixed certain crash issue while opening and closing the files
  • Improved compatibility of drag and drop layouts
  • Improved functionality of selectall
  • Increased ability to operate on multiple layouts
  • Fixed certain errors with incremental save of drawings with digital signatures
  • Fixed issue with Hatch command
  • Improved speed of loading and unloading of drawing files
  • Fixed issue with TABLE command
  • Fixed certain issues with DATAEXTRACTION functionality
  • Fixed Crash issue while entering incorrect values
  • Added few more CDA properties
  • Fixed unexpected messages while working with AECDIMENSIONS
  • Fix of system variables
  • Fixed certain issue with misplacing and underlining of text
  • Improved the Drawing file performance

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2025 New Version Released, Dt.21 Aug, 2024

ActCAD 2025 New Version released.This is a major release of Intellicad 13.0

  • Implemented Flatshot for creating 2D representations of 3D objects
  • Added Solid Profile to generate profiles of 3D solids
  • Introduced Make Shape to convert objects into shapes
  • Enabled Compile to SHX for compiling fonts to SHX format
  • Created Make Linetype for generating custom linetypes
  • Enhanced BIM Support with IFC Validate for validating IFC files
  • Added RVT to IFC for converting RVT files to IFC format
  • Introduced Corner Window Command for managing corner windows in BIM models
  • Enabled Dimension AEC Entities for dimensioning Architectural, Engineering, and Construction entities
  • Improved Manage Layers for .ifc Underlays for controlling layers in IFC underlays
  • Defined New Element Styles for elements like roof slabs, dimensions, and structural members
  • Enabled BMP Out for exporting bitmaps
  • Implemented Undelete for recovering deleted entities
  • Added Copy Nested Entities for copying entities within nested groups
  • Introduced Parallel Entity Snap for snapping entities parallel to each other
  • Enhanced Explorer Command for better management of entities with views, external references, blocks, and layer filters
  • Added Network, Offset, Fillet, Extend, and Trim commands for working with surfaces
  • Updated to ODA SDKs Version 2024.12 for improved compatibility and development
  • Released IntelliCAD IcARX, a pre-release version compatible with AutoCAD® Object ARX
  • Enabled Dynamic Block Creation for advanced blocks with support for dynamic creation and editing, with AutoCAD compatibility
  • Integrated Bing Maps API for geographic location functionality, including coordinate system dictionaries in the installer
  • Enhanced 3Dconnexion Support with customizable commands, macros, and radial menus for input devices, and coordinated marketing efforts
  • Introduced Revision Control as a preview feature using .dsf files, with an option to enable in test builds
  • Updated Development Environment Requirements to include Visual Studio 2022, Windows SDK v10.0.22621.0, and Platform Toolset v143
  • Improved Localization with translation updates planned in collaboration with BackToCAD for future releases
  • Added AIDIMSTYLE command for managing dimension styles
  • Introduced AREATEXT command for creating area-based text annotations
  • Implemented BREPLACE command for replacing block references
  • Added CENTERMARKSET command for setting center marks
  • Introduced CHBLOCKBASEPOINT command for changing the base point of a block
  • Enabled CONVERTPOLY command for converting polylines to different types
  • Added COORDSLABEL command for labeling coordinate points
  • Introduced COUNTTABLE command for generating tables with counts
  • Enabled CUTBASE command for cutting with a base point
  • Added DIMPOLYALIGNED command for aligning dimensions to polylines
  • Implemented EXOFFSET command for extended offset operations
  • Introduced GCEQUAL command for setting geometric constraints to equal
  • Added GCTANGENT command for setting geometric constraints to tangent
  • Enabled INSERTPOINTSVALUES command for inserting point values
  • Introduced LAYOPP command for opposing layer operations
  • Added MEASUREGEOM command for measuring geometric properties
  • Implemented MERGEHATCH command for merging hatch patterns
  • Introduced POLYFIT command for fitting polylines
  • Enabled PREFIXSUFFIX command for adding prefixes and suffixes to text
  • Added QBREAK command for breaking objects at specified points
  • Introduced QRCODE command for generating QR codes
  • Enabled RTEXT command for creating rotated text
  • Added SLOPETEXT command for displaying slope text annotations
  • Implemented TEXTMASK command for masking text
  • Introduced TEXTUNMASK command for unmasking text

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 New Version 121344 Released, Dt.26 Jul, 2024

ActCAD 2024 new update 121344 released for all produts. This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes:

  • Fixed New Drawing Creation command on tabs
  • Fixed attributes editor issue of highlighting different selected item
  • Fixed issue with Units command
  • Improved performance of MAPCLPLINE command
  • Fixed issues of Trial Days display on Key Activation Dialog
  • Improved check for updates command
  • Minor cleanup issues are fixed with Print command
  • Added new functionality to regen of objects
  • Fixed certain issues in LINETYPE command
  • Fixed certain drawnig error with Mtext command
  • Improved the performance of Block base point handling
  • Fixed certain crash issue while opening and closing files
  • Fixed crash certain issue on exiting the drawing
  • Fixed certain crash issue with AEC styles
  • Fixed issue applying a Entity transparency in preview
  • Fixed certain performance error with OVERKILL command
  • Fixed certain crash issue with "Edit Block Definition" dialog box
  • Fixed some incorrect behaviour of TABLET command
  • Implemented some improvements in HATCH command
  • Fixed certain issue while using TANGENT ESNAP
  • Solved issue with duplicate Attributes management
  • Fixed some minor changes on jpg images while inserting
  • Fixed certain issues in entity selection
  • Fixed certain Advanced Block issues
  • Fixed the switch layout issue
  • Improved functionality of XREF Command

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 New Version 121322 Released, Dt.19 Jun, 2024

ActCAD 2024 new update 121322 released for products Standard, Professional, Prime, Map Drafter and Nesting. This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes:

  • Added MKSHAPE command
  • Added MKLTYPE command
  • Fixed crash issue after changing wall length
  • Fixed AcGeVector2d 0 length issue in ICARX API
  • Fixed AcGeVector3d 0 length issue in ICARX API
  • Improved speed of hatch boundary recognition
  • Fixed certain crash issue during application exit
  • Fixed certain crash issue with IRX api exit
  • Fixed hanging issue of a viewport while panning
  • Fixed Table stretch preview issue
  • Fixed certain error during SOLIDEDIT command
  • Fixed out of memory error while handling OLE
  • Fixed SHX file issue during MKSHAPE command
  • Fixed issue with Follow option in ARC command
  • Fixed standard scale display issue of viewport
  • Fixed crash issue with find and replace of certain pattern

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 New Version 121312 Released, Dt.30 May, 2024

ActCAD 2024 new update 121312 released for products Standard, Professional, Prime, Map Drafter and Nesting. This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes:

  • All new IntelliCAD 12.1 Engine
  • Improved Start Page with additional links
  • Improved speed and performance
  • Drag a .dwg file to tool palette to add it as a block on the tool palette
  • Advanced Blocks (similar to Dynamic Blocks in other CAD)
  • Provision to convert Dynamic Blocks to Advanced Blocks
  • Many improvements to ActCAD 2024 Prime product related to AEC
  • Improved Quick Properties
  • Improved API to support ARX
  • Several improvements to data extraction
  • Fixed issues in Trial Left days
  • Resize model space viewports
  • Toggle the display of the printable area boundary in paper space
  • load and save print stamp setting (.pss) files
  • Specify the IFC4 or IFC4x3 schema when exporting to .ifc files
  • Set display properties for AEC styles

  • The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 Map Drafter New version Released, Dt.20 Apr, 2024

ActCAD 2024 Map Drafter new version released. This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes:

  • All new MAPCLPLINE Command
  • Added multi-point image rectification technology
  • Added support for A0 grid images
  • Improved Gap Find command
  • Improved Overlap check command
  • Improved interface for Map commands

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 New Update 1168 Released, Dt.29 Mar, 2024

ActCAD 2024 new update 1168 released for products Standard, Professional, Prime and Map Drafter. This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes:

  • Improved Start Page with additional links
  • Fixed certain issue in CheckForUpdates command
  • Fixed the issue of ActCAD PDF Printer becoming default
  • Added new command EXPORT_POINTS_EXCEL in Professional and Prime
  • Added new command EXPORT_TEXT_EXCEL in Professional and Prime
  • Fixed certain issue with Map Drafter Videos Page
  • Fixed certain issue with Map Drafter Videos Page
  • Fixed crash issues with NESTOUTPUT command
  • Fixed certain issue with MAPIMPORT command
  • Fixed GATTE command autoload command

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 Nesting New Product Released, Dt.07 Feb, 2024

ActCAD announces the release of new product ActCAD 2024 Nesting suitable for Sheet metal industry, textiles, fashion industry, leather, footwear production etc. Below are the features of this new product:

  • Complete 2D Drafting Features
  • Easy and simple to use interface
  • Native dwg and dxf file formats
  • Supports multiple file formats like IGES, STEP, SAT, ACIS, SVG, PDF, Image etc.
  • Best True Shape Nesting Engine
  • Select parts and sheets directly from ActCAD software
  • Auto selection of parts and sheets from a given folder
  • Provision to maintain multiple project folders at desired location
  • Edit parts and other parameters at any point to get optimized nesting results
  • Edit sheets and other parameters at any point to get optimized nesting results
  • Provision to use remnant sheet geometry
  • Provision to create parts inside parts
  • Grouping of Parts
  • Provision to add Cutter diameter
  • Provision to add clearance, part to part distance and border space
  • Turbo mode for high speed nesting calculations
  • Enable part overlaps
  • Provision to perform nesting in both the directions
  • Provision to specify tolerance for nesting
  • Sequencing option to choose either area or perimeter

Please visit for complete details.

ActCAD 2024 New Update 1164 Released, Dt.25 Jan, 2024

ActCAD 2024 new update 1164 released for products Standard, Professional, Prime and Map Drafter. This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes:

  • Fixed license transfer issue
  • Fixed text formatting issue during table export to CSV
  • Improved whole table command
  • set OpenGL as default graphic device
  • Fixed incorrect results starting from second segment of trim
  • Fixed certain dimension associativity issue in a block
  • Fixed certain wrong results in DIMSPACE command
  • Fixed lisp (strcat) function for some non-English characters
  • Implemented SaveAs method in .net api
  • Fixed certain auto lisp loading issues
  • Fixed crash issue while handling AECOBJECTS
  • Fixed appilication crash issue in ribbon
  • Fixed certain crash issue while using GS device
  • Fixed some issues with symbols and text
  • Fixed certain data handling notifications
  • Fixed dropdown box issue in PDF PUBLISH tool
  • Fixed issues while using WinGLES device
  • Fixed issues while using SAVEAS command

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 New Update 1143 Released, Dt.21 Dec, 2023

ActCAD 2024 new update 1143 released for products Standard, Professional, Prime and Map Drafter. This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes:

  • Fixed Find - Text replacement does not work properly
  • Fixed round and trunc functions inside Table feature
  • Fixed slow opening of Quick Properties when a particular solid is selected
  • Fixed display error in the content of "Color Books" in SECTIONPLANESETTINGS
  • Fixed certain issue in SSGET command
  • Fixed perpendicular Object Snap does not snap to arc with large coordinate values
  • Fixed error in seeting paper selection through API
  • Fixed certain macro wrong result in menu script
  • Fixed icon design issue of superhatch
  • Fixed display properties tab missing AEC style
  • Fixed "EDGES CACHED DATA" disappeared after save
  • Fixed DIASTAT sysvar should indicate a return status of closed DCL window
  • Fixed certain error when converting polyline to wall
  • Fixed incorrect value is accepted for the Conversion Factor field in the Additional Format dialog
  • Fixed error in block definition when the "Match layout orientation" option is checked
  • Fixed hide command error for image
  • Fixed an issue that very slow speed to print without lineweight
  • Fixed a file open issue having isolines for invalid spline faces
  • Fixed setting 4 of the OSOPTIONS system variable does not take effect
  • Fixed DCL dialog with only an image button raises an error message
  • Fixed DWFATTACH error and crash when trying to open objects from DWF database
  • Fixed "PublishToWeb JPG.pc3" when adding a paper size, it does not appear in the Paper Size list
  • Fixed unbreakable space is pasted to external text editors as tilde symbol
  • Fixed crash while changing plot via Page Setup
  • Fixed crash in Printer Configuration Editor
  • Fixed error in printer path handling
  • Fixed accelerators of snap modes differ to the reference
  • Fixed transparent enable snaps from the status bar is broken
  • Fixed Graphics performance on OpenGL ES
  • Fixed the size of objects not updated when ANNOAUTOSCALE is not positive
  • Fixed DWG to PDF.pc3 legal paper size is missing
  • Fixed unexpected message about non existent printer configuration
  • Fixed -SCALELISTEDIT always resets scales to Imperial measurement
  • Fixed search layer names by starting characters in ActCAD explorer

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 Map Drafter Released, Dt.20 Nov, 2023

ActCAD 2024 Map Drafter released with several improvements as mentioned below:

  • Latest IntelliCAD 12 engine
  • Latest ODA 23.12 dwg and dxf libraries
  • Several improvements to Map Drafter commands
  • New ANGLE command
  • Create reports and report templates, extract data to tables and .xls files
  • New SUPERHATCH command to create hatches using images, textures, blocks, external references, and wipeouts
  • New Quick Properties pane
  • Export tables to .csv files, create and update them from extracted drawing data, remove cell formatting overrides, and specify cell border properties
  • Improved ActCAD Explorer to manage more visual style properties, manage more layout settings, and specify whether to freeze layers automatically in layouts that you create. For all Explorer elements, change the column order, visibility of columns, and restore the default display of columns.
  • New command for Project geometry
  • New commands for Rename Block, Change Block and Copy Multiple
  • Improved page setups from other drawings
  • Improved Licensing Technology

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2024 New Products Released, Dt.25 Oct, 2023

ActCAD 2024 products released in Prime, Professional, Standard and Map Drafter variants. It is a major release based on IntelliCAD 12 engine. Below is a list of major improvements in this release:

  • Latest ODA 23.12 dwg and dxf libraries
  • Siginificant improvements in speed and performance
  • Improved user interface
  • New ANGLE command
  • Create reports and report templates, extract data to tables and .xls files
  • New SUPERHATCH command to create hatches using images, textures, blocks, external references, and wipeouts
  • New Quick Properties pane
  • Draw splines using control vertices and knot parameterization
  • New Geometric Center snap
  • Create and edit legacy image tile menus
  • Export tables to .csv files, create and update them from extracted drawing data, remove cell formatting overrides, and specify cell border properties
  • Improved ActCAD Explorer to manage more visual style properties, manage more layout settings, and specify whether to freeze layers automatically in layouts that you create. For all Explorer elements, change the column order, visibility of columns, and restore the default display of columns.
  • New command for Project geometry
  • Show and hide CV
  • Layer Isolate, VP Freze
  • New commands for Rename Block, Change Block and Copy Multiple
  • Improved page setups from other drawings
  • Choose PDF presets when publishing or exporting to pdf files
  • Import and export Facet Modeler Binary (.fmb) files
  • Set display settings for section planes, control whether entities on layers can be cut by section planes
  • Preview the modifications when using the Offset, Trim, and Extend commands and when editing hatches
  • Customize AEC styles
  • Attach roof and ceiling plane symbols to walls and reference them while interactively creating roof and ceiling planes
  • Assign levels to AEC entities, import .ifc files with more options, and include .rvt and .ifc underlays when exporting to .ifc files
  • Improved Licensing Technology

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.

ActCAD 2023 New Version 1478 Released, Dt.29 Sep, 2023

ActCAD 2023 new update 1478 released for all products. This is a general maintenance release that includes few improvements and bug fixes. Below is a list of enhancements in this update:

  • Fixed palettes restore issue
  • Fixed certain crash issue while switching from model space to paper space
  • Fixed issue of RTOS fractional mode format
  • Fixed dimension TEXT moved after editing and SYMBOL insertion
  • Fixed graphic artifacts when editing a spline in CV method
  • Fixed 3DSOLID does not change to FMBODY when FM3DCONVERT is executed
  • Fixed certain Hatch modification preview issue
  • Fixed prompt display issue of (ssget) function when called from irx
  • Fixed export button disabled if no sheet selected during PDFEXPORT
  • Fixed stretch unexpected output on MTEXT elements
  • Fixed table cell cannot change formula
  • Fixed dgnexport issue in ActCAD Converter when INSUNITS 0 to 6
  • Fixed %USERPROFILEFOLDER% environment variable in tool palette
  • Fixed icons of items in tool palette exported from other software in xtp format
  • Fixed WBLOCK creates preview image that differs from other software
  • Fixed import points issue using IMPORT command
  • Fixed Enter keypress to accept default not recognized in IMPOINT command
  • Fixed distortions appear after imageattach
  • Fixed igesstepconverter by updating binaries
  • Fixed occasional errors in copydll.cmd
  • Fixed file opens while previewing in an external PDF viewer
  • Fixed wrong angle value in surveyor's units

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page. Existing ActCAD 2023 users can use "Check for updates" command to get the latest version.

ActCAD 2023 New Version 1450 Released, Dt.22 Aug, 2023

ActCAD 2023 new update 1450 released for all products. This is a general maintenance release that includes few improvements and bug fixes. Below is a list of enhancements in this update:

  • Updated ODA dwg & dxf libraries
  • Fixed 3D solid loses colors while changing dimensions
  • Fixed array that doesn't work properly in localized builds
  • Fixed certain errors in copy command
  • Fixed table cells formatting and functions lost when copied to clipboard and pasted
  • Fixed default font while copying content between table cells
  • Fixed certain issue in FIND command

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page. Existing ActCAD 2023 users can use "Check for updates" command to get the latest version.

ActCAD 2023 New Version 1445 Released, Dt.21 Jul, 2023

ActCAD 2023 new update 1445 released for all products. This is a general maintenance release that includes few improvements and bug fixes. Below is a list of enhancements in this update:

  • Revised ODA dwg & dxf libraries
  • Improved curve trim test script
  • Fixed layer state drop-down behavior in PUBLISH dialog
  • Fixed right-click not valid to choose run command options
  • Fixed CTAB variable in text do not update while switching between layouts
  • Fixed PDF quality presets in PUBLISH dialog
  • Fixed property window list not changed with mouse wheel rotation
  • Fixed the issue of Match Properties not working for leader
  • Fixed LISP ROTS return value error when DIMZIN is 8
  • Fixed mouse cursor display error in certain scenario
  • Implemented TABLEEXPORT command for .csv file format
  • Fixed Mtext editor overlapping of some text lines
  • Fixed EXPLAYERS right scroll display issue
  • Fixed columns arrangemnet in Explorer window

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page. Existing ActCAD 2023 users can use "Check for updates" command to get the latest version.

ActCAD 2023 New Version 1432 Released, Dt.30 Jun, 2023

ActCAD 2023 new update 1432 released for all products. This is a general maintenance release that includes few improvements and bug fixes. Below is a list of enhancements in this update:

  • Updated ODA dwg libraries in current release
  • Fixed height value error if create a cylinder when Ortho is off
  • Fixed SURFACEMODELINGMODE system variable doesn't take effect when turned on
  • Fixed incorrect X/Y/Z position of FmExtrudedSolid and FmRevolvedSolid is shown in Entprops
  • Fixed Copyclip/Pasteclip for FmCone and FmCylinder is broken
  • Fixed IcFmBody operation notification
  • Fixed FMCone not rendered properly in Realistic visual style in non-World UCS
  • Fixed facet modeler not creating pyramids base on modified UCS XY plane
  • Fixed DSETTINGS - percentage Size option for Point Size is not recalled
  • Fixed MIDPOINT osnap not working correctly on blocks
  • Fixed intersection Snap display and recognition issue under APP snap setting state
  • Fixed different color of the same image in different viewports
  • Implemeted VLA and VLAX functions fixes vlax-invoke-method, vlax-variant-value etc.
  • Fixed sds_printf is always returning RTERROR on closing ActCAD instead of RTNORM
  • Fixed use OBJ for importing from STEP and IGES when ACIS support is disabled
  • Fixed command prompt dissapears after series of command called from sds/lisp
  • Fixed hatch matchprop works incorrectly after re-opening
  • Fixed FMBOX object is not created at correct location for the Center option
  • Fixed FBbody not rendering properly both using ActCAD Renderer
  • Fixed sds_ssadd and ssadd don't allow an ATTRIB object
  • Fixed MTEXT line spacing issue
  • Fixed build error in IRXCustomEntity in testing libs
  • Fixed Start Page workspace is set opening a drawing by double click
  • Fixed DWGTITLED is not set correctly in the reactor
  • Fixed snap menu hotkeys should be visualized reliably and the logic should be more explicit
  • Fixed boolean solid does not render properly on GRAPHICSCONFIG as basic and intermediate

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page. Existing ActCAD 2023 users can use "Check for updates" command to get the latest version.

ActCAD 2023 New Version 1411 Released, Dt.19 May, 2023

ActCAD 2023 new update 1411 released for all products. This is a general maintenance release that includes few improvements and bug fixes. Below is a list of enhancements in this update:

  • Updated ODA dwg libraries
  • Fixed FMCYLINDER gets wrong height when created with snapping and incorrectly positioned
  • Fixed error applying FMEXTRUDE
  • Fixed FBbody not rendering properly
  • Fixed AUTOPUBLISH wrong layouts order
  • Fixed the issue of ORTHO doesn't work in LISP getpoint function
  • Fixed crash issue while saving manually and closing a drawing containing an imported FMBody
  • Fixed unable to fillet - fails to extend an arc
  • Fixed issue with Trim and Join Error
  • Fixed error applying 'Polyline' option in FILLET command
  • Fixed print preview zooming does not work correctly in PDF printer
  • Fixed PDF Underlay printing with PDFCreator creates a PDF with inverted background
  • Fixed FM cannot do a specific Boolean subtract
  • Fixed the issue of FMBOX object is not created at correct location for the Center option
  • Fixed Solids and FM Meshes on a locked layer should not be modified
  • Fixed 3DSOLID does not change to FMBODY when FM3DCONVERT is executed
  • Fixed FM cannot do a specific Boolean subtract
  • Fixed FMHELID turns option doesn't accept Enter for the default value
  • Fixed impossible to cancel FMHELIX command when in submenu
  • Fixed FMIN/FMOUT commands
  • Fixed FMREVOLVE not working in non-World UCS when using the "Entity" option
  • Fixed FMPIPE invalid length value handled incorrectly
  • Fixed FMSPHERE and FMTORUS disappear in Realistic / Conceptual visual style
  • Fixed slow creation of lines in WinGLES device
  • Fixed crash issue of entity selection having huge coordinate values
  • Fixed crash with "Create Entity Data"
  • Fixed crash while creating a layer state
  • Fixed issue creating Circle TanTanTan
  • Fixed FLATTEN does unnecessary recreation of entities and loses properties
  • Fixed mpossible to dimension a radius on XREFed geometry
  • Fixed FMEXTRUDE drawing becomes corrupted after using the FMEXTRUDE command

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page. Existing ActCAD 2023 users can use "Check for updates" command to get the latest version.

ActCAD 2023 New Version 1393 Released, Dt.24 Apr, 2023

ActCAD 2023 new update 1393 released for all products. This is a general maintenance release that includes few improvements and bug fixes. Below is a list of enhancements in this update:

  • Revised ODA Libraries
  • Fixed problems working on rotated UCS
  • Fixed crash with CreateImageList method
  • Fixed crash when switching to tree view
  • Fixed drawing corruption issue after using the FMEXTRUDE command
  • Fixed FBbody not rendering properly
  • Fixed adding a workspace via Transfer tab loses toolbars
  • Fixed print stamp is not applied in PDF mode in Publish command
  • Fixed Filter command issue
  • Fixed regression issue of zero angle after normalization in Revolve and FMrevolve commands
  • Fixed Object regeneration on the PAN after zoom in the Model or in Layouts vports
  • Improved Help articles
  • Fixed crash after breaking a command changing active document
  • Fixed crash during find intersections of degenerate polyline
  • Fixed Flatten does unnecessary recreation of entities and loses properties
  • Fixed save Block on Disk from ExpBlocks set a wrong InsUnits
  • Fixed Table broken copying table cells
  • Fixed issues with LISP variant
  • Fixed wrong viewport becomes active in AlignSpace command
  • Fixed Grip streaching Mleader landing point does not behave correctly
  • Fixed Dimcontinue works incorrectly
  • Fixed UCS rotation and solid definition via Command line
  • Fixed certain Mtext position error
  • Added LISP SummaryInfo interface
  • Fixed refactor unit formatters
  • Fixed crash in pasting via clipboard when R14 clipboard format is enabled
  • Added Support for MG4 MrSID images (with 5 bands)
  • Fixed huge amount of memory used zooming in with REGENTOOLTIP OFF
  • Fixed error message is needed if insert an XREF while the block with the same name as XREF is created

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page. Existing ActCAD 2023 users can use "Check for updates" command to get the latest version.

ActCAD 2023 New Version 1371 Released, Dt.11 Mar, 2023

ActCAD 2023 new update 1371 released for all products. This is a general maintenance release that includes few improvements and bug fixes. Below is a list of enhancements in this update:

  • Updated ODA dwg/dxf libraries
  • Fixed profiles mixing up issue
  • Fixed printer connection problems in certain situations
  • Fixed help article not available for new ActCAD Explorer items
  • Fixed serious LUPREC issue during block definition
  • Fixed decimal units rounding issue
  • Fixed issue in attribute extraction regarding angle conversion
  • Fixed base point mechanism for Grips
  • Fixed certain unit formatting issues
  • Fixed snap status bar to display correct coordinates when changing the options from tab
  • Fixed certain crash issue with CUI file
  • Fixed certain snap point issue in paper space
  • Fixed certain crash issue with selection set reactors
  • Improved expression display in tool palettes
  • Fixed negative values of SELECTIONCYCLING work incorrectly with trimmed viewports
  • Fixed LUPREC sysvar that affect Geo Location dialog
  • Improved .Net custom palette set
  • Fixed open dwg with new xref issue
  • Fixed units change issue in custom paper size dialog
  • Fixed SAVEAS command error when FILEDIA setting is OFF
  • Fixed freezing issue with AlignSpace command in certain cases
  • Added new polygon option for Export solid hatches in Advanced PDF Export Options
  • Fixed SSGET doesn't work with ATTDEF and DXF code 2
  • Fixed Object regeneration on PAN with multiple windows opened
  • Fixed SPLINEDIT properties issue
  • Fixed Dynamic Block grips issue
  • Fixed issues with View Cube captions
  • Fixed certain entity rotation by grips issue
  • Fixed Tab key issue during Table Edit mode
  • Fixed Tab key error when selecting Table cells
  • Fixed Dynamic Block alignment mode
  • Fixed sub text editing option in MTEXT
  • Fixed exception error while closing MTEXT editor in some special situation
  • Fixed a prompt not printed in SDS function invoked from LISP
  • Improved ActCAD ObjectIRX API
  • Increased the number of entries in recent commands menu like Other CAD
  • Fixed vlr-modified reactor doesn't work while changing entity properties
  • Fixed error in AddDimAngular during dimension creation
  • Fixed vla-get-truecolor issue
  • Fixed the issue of Ctrl+R not working
  • Fixed the wrong edit of multiple grips
  • Fixed grips issue with hatching
  • Fixed unexpected Hatch Normal Island detection issue
  • Fixed certain crash issue with multi drawables
  • Fixed incorrect snapping of a 3d box in WINGLES device
  • Fixed certain crash issue in MTEXT when inserting %%d and %%p

The new versions are available from ActCAD download page. Existing ActCAD 2023 users can use "Check for updates" command to get the latest version.

ActCAD 2023 Map Drafter New Update Released, Dt.12 Feb, 2023

ActCAD 2023 Map Drafter new version released with belwo updates:.

  • Implemented new Image Rectification Technology
  • Implemented Image export option with reduced resolution
  • Improved user interface to include new featuers
  • Included Help Manual for all the commands of ActCAD Map Drafter
  • Developed help videos for all Map Drafter commands for quick self help of users.
  • Updated ODA dwg and dxf libraries
  • Few minor fixes to improve speed and performance

Existing ActCAD 2023 users can use "Check for updates" command to get the latest version. New users can contact us to get a Free Trial of this product.

Free Trial Without Limitations